Friday, October 24, 2008

Crazy and Lazy

It has been so busy crazy that I haven't posted in forever and yet I feel that I have been lazy so I haven't posted. We have been busy with our regular things, school, church, Awana's, and Dr. Appts. The girls and I have been sick for about 2 weeks and aren't feeling 100% yet. I also have a lump that I have been doctoring for so I go back in on Monday for a recheck.

This past week we have had alot of fun getting to dress up. We had 100 year old day at school so the girls got to get all dressed up as old people and yesterday we got to get dressed up in our costumes and go trick or treat down town.

We have also added a new addition to our house, a one and a half year old female great dane. Very pretty dog, and great with the girls, I'll post a picture of her later.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Nantucket Weekend GIVEAWAY!!!!

Nantucket Weekend GIVEAWAY!!!!

I have 3 little girls and I could see my youngest wearing that. That is the cutest.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Time flies

Wow- It has been forever since I have last posted. I guess that is life that has gotten me to busy for this thing...Anyways, Jeremy is still loving his new job. We are both so thankful that he has this job.

We have been having a great summer. Lexi is on the summer swim team so we have been at the swimming pool every morning for the past month for about an hour each day and then 2 weeks in July both Lexi and Josie had swim lesson's so we spetnt 2 hours out there.

Monday, May 5, 2008


There is a blog that I have followed for the last year. It is about this family who's little girl had stuggled with cancer and ended up loosing her fight to it. Well today she posted that 3 other kids have passed away that they had become appointed with while in the hospital. It was another eye opener. I feel as though I get into my own routine and sorrow and I have so much to be thankful for.

As for the home front, both Noelle and Josie have some strange stomach bug. They just can't seem to get over it. Noelle has had it for 8 days now and Josie for 6 days. I had the same bug but it was in and out within 24 hours. I hope they get on the road to recovery soon.

As for the job hunt. Jeremy has been offered a job with a small company here in Boone, which would be great. The down side it that since it is a small company they have you get an individual health plan and then the reimberse you for it. So we have applied to both Wellmark Bluecross and BlueSheild and also to United Health Care. Jeremy had a blood test yesterday for United so we are still waiting to hear from them and we heard back from Wellmark on Saturday. Wellmark is a no go for Josie, They accepted us all but they put a rider on Josie saying that they won't cover anything to do with her small intestine, large intestine, espoughus sp???, and the stomach. So we can't accept that for her, if something would turn up in the future they won't cover any of that. So for right now we are waiting to see what we find out from the other company.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


So yesterday we were all very busy. Jeremy was gone at work for the day and Lexi had 1 hour of softball practice then to head straight from softball to a soccer game. They did good at there soccer game. Lexi scored a goal. I have decided that watching soccer with a 16 month old is alot of work, especially when she wants to go out on the field with them. That about sums up our evening. We are still praying that God will show us clearly where he wants Jeremy to be working so for now he is at Ball. He meets with a man from our church on Friday to discuss some opportunities with him so we will see.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sick again and still job searching...

So waking up this morning, Noelle is running a fever again. Yuck. It seems like we have not even been better for just about a week and now another fever. Jeremy is gone working again this weekend so it has been a long weekend with no adult conversation. As for the job situation, we are still searching. We are praying that something better will come along quickly. Nothing else to exciting around here for now.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Sick, Sick, Sick

I guess the title says it all. We have been sicker then sick for about a week know. I am finially feeling like I can sit up to the computer for more then a min. Josie, Noelle and I all have influenza A. which is the worst. Sore throat, fever, runny nose, can't breath, cough,... for a good 7 days you have not improvement. Yuck. Noelle is still running a fever. We haven't left the house in a week. I am going a little stir crazy. We are actually celebrating Easter with the girls today because Jeremy get's to be the lucky one to work this weekend. Keep praying for a new job to open up soon. We are really wishing that this temporary job was done and we were on to the next plan of where God wants us to be. We are really hating the hours. Pay doesn't help either. The hours are just so depressing so keep praying.