Monday, May 5, 2008


There is a blog that I have followed for the last year. It is about this family who's little girl had stuggled with cancer and ended up loosing her fight to it. Well today she posted that 3 other kids have passed away that they had become appointed with while in the hospital. It was another eye opener. I feel as though I get into my own routine and sorrow and I have so much to be thankful for.

As for the home front, both Noelle and Josie have some strange stomach bug. They just can't seem to get over it. Noelle has had it for 8 days now and Josie for 6 days. I had the same bug but it was in and out within 24 hours. I hope they get on the road to recovery soon.

As for the job hunt. Jeremy has been offered a job with a small company here in Boone, which would be great. The down side it that since it is a small company they have you get an individual health plan and then the reimberse you for it. So we have applied to both Wellmark Bluecross and BlueSheild and also to United Health Care. Jeremy had a blood test yesterday for United so we are still waiting to hear from them and we heard back from Wellmark on Saturday. Wellmark is a no go for Josie, They accepted us all but they put a rider on Josie saying that they won't cover anything to do with her small intestine, large intestine, espoughus sp???, and the stomach. So we can't accept that for her, if something would turn up in the future they won't cover any of that. So for right now we are waiting to see what we find out from the other company.